邻近释复合词一 般呈现受格单数语形,字尾ṃ,并且不作语尾变化。
如果最后成员字尾为长母音 a,则要以 aṃ 取代;若字尾为(非 a)其它长母音,则长母音要短化。
upagaṅgaṃ=upa+gaṅgayaṃ (loc.) (近于恒河, near the Ganges);
upanagaraṃ = upa +nagaraṃ, (loc.), (近于城镇, near the town);
upagu=upa+gunnaṃ (复数) (近于牛群,close to the cows);
anurathaṃ=anu+rathe (于战车后, behind the chariot);
yāvajīvaṃ=yāva+jīva (从格abl.) (尽形寿, as long as life lasts);
antopāsādaṃ=anto+pāsādassa (在宫殿内,within the palace);
anuvassaṃ =anu +vassaṃ (每年, year after year, every year);
anugharaṃ=house after house (家家户户, in every house);
yathābalaṃ=yathā+balena (量力,according to one’s power);
pativātaṃ=pati+vātaṃ (acc.) (逆风, against the wind);
tiropabbataṃ=pabbatassa tiro (穿越山嶺, across the mountain);
uparipabbataṃ =pabbatassa+upari (依旁着山, upon the mountain);
paṭisotaṃ=sotassa+paṭilomaṃ (逆流地,against the stream; Sota【 m. 】 流水,奔流。);
adhogaṅgaṃ =gaṅgaya+adho (在恒河下面, below the Ganges);
upavadhu=upa+vadhu (近其 妻, near his wife);
adhikumāi =adhi+kumāri (年轻女孩, the young girl)
(ii) 有时语尾格位会被保留;保留的格位主要是从格和处格。但是在多数情况下, 相同的复合词,也会見到有中性字语形。当不变化词为 pari, apa, ā, bahi, yāva 等,从格语尾可保留。
yāvajivā 或 yāvajivaṃ (尽形寿, as long as life lasts);
apapabbatā 或 apapabbataṃ (離开山, away from the mountain);
bahigāmā 或 bahigāmaṃ (在村 庄外, outside the village);
ābhavaggā 或 ābhavaggaṃ (达到存在的最高的狀态, to the highest state of existence);
purāruṇā 或 purāruṇaṃ=aruṇamhā pure (天明之前, before daylight);
pacchābhattā 或 pacchābhattaṃ (饭后, after meal);
tiropabbatā 或 tiropabbate (loc.)或 tiropabbataṃ (在山的另一边, on the other side of the mountain);
anto avīcimhi (loc.), (在无间 地狱, in hell);
anutīre (沿着河岸, along the bank);
antaravīthiyaṃ (loc.), (在街上, in the street; Vithi【f.】街道。 )
bahisāṇiyaṃ (loc.), (在簾外, outside the curtain; Sani【f.】 屏,簾。) ṇ