名词表示事物或人物从一个真实或虚拟的地方发生、分离,用离格(从格)表示,与表示来的、分离的方向的动词相关联。 Here the nouns expressing things or persons from which a sort of real or imaginary separation takes place are put in ablative case and related to a verb (word) which expresses or indicates the act of separation.
purisā gāmā apenti
(那些)男人从村庄走开。 (The) men go (away) from (the) village.
dhanaṃ corehi rakkhati
保护财富远离盗贼 protects (the) wealth from (the) thieves.
imasmā catuyojanaṃ dūraṃ
从这里有四日脚程之远 four yojanas distant from here.
tato kālato rogī
自从那时起生病 (has been) sick since then.
pabbatā jāyati nadī
河流发源于那座山 (The/A) river originates in (the) mountain.