本品是讲解句子中词语与词语的关系。 The function of this topic is to define the word-to-word relations in a sentence.
词语之间的关系是单向的。 Relations between words are mono-directional. 比如,如果词语A与词语B有关联,B本身必须与另外的词语C关联,而不是回过头来与词语A有关联。 For instance, if the word A is related to B, B itself must be connected to another word C, not back to A.
通常来说,主要动词是一个句子中的根本。其他词语可能与该动词发生关联,而不是反过来。 Generally speaking, the main verb is the keystone of a sentence. Other words may be related to it, but not vice-versa.
如果两个或者更多的名词表示相同的内容,它们必须是同样的格,但是有时在性与数上可能会不同。 If two or more nouns have identical contents, they must be of the same case but may sometimes differ in gender and number.
另外,两个或更多的名词表示不同的内容,则它们可能有相同的格、性与数。 On the other hand, two or more nouns of different contents may have the same case, gender and number.
一些不变词比如ca, tathā, yathā等等,和其他词语没有关联。 Some indeclinables such as ca, tathā, yathā, etc. are not related to other words.
主语与宾语的主动被动 Activity/Inactivity of subjects and objects
它必须是主格,如果它关联于一个主要动词,且 it must be in nominative case if related to a main verb and
它相应的动词必须与它一致: its corresponding verb must agree with it,
(a) 在人称与数上与曲折了的动词一致,或者 in person and number if the verb is a conjugated form or,
(b) 如果动词是现在、过去或者未来分词,那么在性、格与数上要一致。 in gender, case and number if the verb is a present, past or future participle.
它相应的动词不必与之保持一致,且 its corresponding verb need not have any agreement with it and,
一个被动主语可能是工具格或者属格 an inactive subject may be in instrumental or genitive case 而一个被动宾语必须是宾格。 while an inactive object must be in accusative case.
三种语态的用法Usage of Three Voices
主动语态Active Voice
动词可以是及物动词或不及物动词。 The verb may be transitive or intransitive.
主语必须是主动态,而如果有宾语的话,则是被动态。 The subject must be active and the object, if any, inactive.
动词是变化了的形式,或者是现在分词或过去分词。 The verb is a conjugated form or a present or past participle.
范例 E.g.
(那个)人睡觉。 (The/A) man sleeps.
(那个)人去(一个/许多)城市。 (The/A) man goes to (a/the) town/towns.
(那个)人去了城市。 (The/A) man went to (the/a) town.
被动语态 Passive Voice
动词必须仅是及物动词。 The verb must be only transitive.
主语必须是主动的,如果有宾语,那宾语必须是被动的。 The object must be active while the subject, if any, inactive.
动词是一个曲折变化了的形式,或者是现在、过去或未来分词。 The verb is a conjugated form or a present, past or future participle.
范例 E.g.
城镇被(那个)人去了。 The town is gone (to) by (the/a) man.
城镇被(那个)人去了。 The town is gone (to) by (the/a) man.
城镇被(那个)人去了。 The town should be gone (to) by (the/a) man.
绝对语态Absolute Voice
法被(那个)人宣说。 The town should be gone (to) by (the/a) man.
In the following sections, all sample Pali sentences are given with English translations. In the English equivalents, words given in brackets are those that are necessary for English syntax yet have no representation in the Pali version.