The indeclinables viya, iva, yathā, etc. are used to give comparisons in a sentence, which may be termed a comparison sentence. It can be separated into two parts, one of the compared object (upameyya) and the other of the standard of comparison (upamāna).
Samaṇo ākāse gacchati narā viya/iva/yathā bhūmiyaṃ
Samaṇo ākāse gacchati / narā bhūmiyaṃ (gacchanti) viya / iva / yathā
The monk goes in the sky as people (go) on the ground.
The monk goes in the sky. (Like whom?) Just as people (go) on the ground.
Two parts of a comparison sentence can be divided in the translation by an inserted question.
It is called Excluded Comparison method. (When no question is inserted, it is called Incorporated Comparison method)
The phrase yatha …tatha can be used to form a comparison sentence.
Ex. Yatha nara bhumiyam gacchanti, tatha samano akase gacchati.
Trs. Just as people go on the ground, so also the monk goes in the sky.
Note: when yathā … tathā is used not to denote a comparison, the verb which tathā (meaning “in that way”) modifies must be changed into a participle and related in DEF relation to the verb of the yathā (meaning “in which way”) sentence. The word yathā must be related to that participle in Adverbial relation.
Ex. yathā (mayi karonte) buddho anujānissati, tathā karissāmi.
Trs. The way that the Buddha will permit when I act in, I will act in that way.